Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services

Schedule For Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS)

Contract Number:  GS00F134CA
Contract Period:  5/22/15 – 5/21/20
FSC Group:  C874

Special Interest Categories:
C874-1 Consulting Services
C874-7 Program Integration and Project Management Services

Ordering Process and Information

Advantages of GSA

The GSA Multiple Award Schedule is an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract that can be used by all Federal Agencies worldwide to purchase services from a wide variety of vendors. The objective of the Management, Organizational, and Business Improvement Services (MOBIS) schedule is to simplify the process by which agencies may purchase management, organizational, and business improvement services.

When an Agency uses the GSA Multiple Award Schedule

  • No RFP is required
  • The vendor prices have already been determined by GSA to be reasonable and fair
  • The ordering mechanism is easy, and
  • A wide selection of commercial vendors and services are available for consideration.
  • See GSA Advantage!TM web site at

How to Order from the GSA Schedule?

Step 1: Initial Contact

Customer reviews its requirements and examines Dawnbreaker’s capabilities.

Step 2: Customer determines work requirements

Customer develops a Statement of Work (SOW)

Step 3: Customer Places an Order or Request for a Quote (RFQ)

For orders with a value of over $2,500, an order may be placed with an individual contractor. For orders over $2,500 FAR 8.4 requires the customer to send your Request for a Quote (RFQ) and SOW to 3 Schedule contractors. The customer evaluates and makes a Best Value

Step 4: Vendor(s) Respond

Step 5: Work is Awarded

Agency places an order directly with the contractor through its own contract and procurement office (not through GSA).

Step 6: The Customer monitors work performance until completed

Dawnbreaker provides status reports at pre-determined milestones.

Step 7: Work is accomplished

Integrated Consulting Services (SIN C874-1)

This Special Item Number (SIN) provides the greatest flexibility in the method with which we assist an Agency to meets its management, organization, and business improvement efforts. Consulting services may take the form of studies, analyses, and reports which document proposed development, consultative, or implementation efforts.

Dawnbreaker® consulting services are used to best advantage when a client’s concerns focus on one or more of the following:

  • Strategic, business, or action planning
  • Performance measures or indicators
  • Process and productivity improvement
  • Organizational assessments and evaluations

Dawnbreaker’s® MOBIS consulting services may consist of one or more of the following and any combination thereof:

  • Evaluate, analyze, and examine current management, organizational, and business systems and processes,
  • Develop and apply appropriate methodology to analyze stated and implied requirements,
  • Propose alternative courses of action relative to strategic, business and change management,
  • Develop system and process implementation strategies that utilize innovative management strategies,
  • Provide customized communication and training strategies as required to implement desired modifications to management, organizational, and business objectives,
  • Execution of organizational change, process re-engineering,
  • Develop specific implementation details for selected systems and processes,
  • Establish management, organizational, and business improvement metrics, measurement techniques, and acceptance criteria,
  • Conduct reviews during implementation to assure that capabilities being developed conform with accepted standards,
  • Work closely with client to discover possible problems during implementation so that they can be corrected expeditiously,
  • Collect, analyze, and evaluate data to support management processes, business models, business development strategies,
  • Document results, conclusions, and recommendations in suitable and cost effective formats.

Integrated Business Program Support Services (SIN C874-7)

Dawnbreaker® has considerable experience in providing Program Integration and Project Management Services related to business planning, strategic planning, and commercialization assistance. The services within SIN 874-7 consist of one or more of the following and any combination thereof.

  • Review the structure of existing programs/projects to confirm if modifications in design are required,
  • Reaffirm the objectives of the program and make design modifications as required,
  • Assure that an effective feedback loop is instituted to monitor performance during program implementation and make course corrections as required,
  • Serve as team leader,
  • Develop a schedule for program implementation,
  • Work closely with the Agency in Implementation of communication with all program/project participants,
  • Assure that appropriate human resources are brought to bear in implementation of the program,
  • Utilize appropriate database management tools throughout program/project implementation,
  • Provide project oversight,
  • Provide timely reports on execution of program/project to the Agency.