Ohio Resources


University of Toledo
Health Science Campus
CCE 2102
Mail Stop 1020
(419) 383-4252

Purpose of Initiative

The University of Toledo SBIR/STTR Phase 0 program provides faculty members with support in the development of an SBIR/STTR proposal. This is in line with the universities technology transfer goals. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage faculty to work with the local small business community in development and submission of SBIR/STTR proposals.


Full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty at the University of Toledo are eligible to submit as Principal Investigator (PI).  Those in the Research Professor title series are not eligible to apply. Preference will be given to tenure-track assistant professors, except for the Biomedical Research Innovation and STEM Research Innovation programs, the foci of which are directed to established researchers and senior faculty. For major programs, Associate and Full Professors must make a strong case for the need for funding to move their research in a new direction or to take their research to a much higher level.

Application Process

The following information must be included:

  1. A three-page description of the scientific, educational and/or engineering nature of the problem or opportunity that can be developed into a product or process in the marketplace
  2. A one-page summary of the plan to work with the small business in a collaborative manner for the preparation and submission of the proposal
  3. A one-page statement providing evidence that the project is likely to be favorably reviewed by the agency
  4. A letter from the small business agreeing to collaborate on the project with UT participating as a subcontractor along with a statement that the company will follow UT’s intellectual property rights policy
  5. A letter from the faculty member’s dean in support of the project

Award Details

The program provides $8,000 to a faculty member who will collaborate with a small business on an SBIR/STTR proposal. The program does not allow faculty salary support and the faculty member is expected to work with the university to protect intellectual property. As part of the program, the University of Toledo must receive a subcontract for collaborative research as part of the funded project.

Technology Validation and Start-Up Fund

Tneshela Jones
Ohio Third Frontier
77 South High St.
PO Box 1001
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 466-0155

Purpose of Initiative

The goal of the Ohio Third Frontier Technology Validation and Start-up Fund (TVSF) is to create greater economic growth in Ohio based on start-up companies that commercialize technologies developed by Ohio institutions of higher education and other Ohio not-for-profit research institutions. The Technology Validation and Start-Up Fund has been designed to:

  1. Support protected technologies developed at Ohio research institutions that need known validation/proof that will directly impact and enhance both their commercial viability and ability to support a start-up company, and
  2. Support Ohio start-up and Ohio young companies that license these validated/proven technologies from these Ohio research institutions.


Ohio research institutions may apply for funding for validation (e.g. viability testing, prototyping, etc.) of their unlicensed technologies. Ohio start-up companies may apply for funding to advance towards commercialization of a technology they intend to license from a university or an Ohio research institution. Ohio Third Frontier seeks compelling business models for near-term market opportunities based on technology and tech-enabled products and services focused in the following areas: software and IT; biomedical/life sciences; advanced materials; sensors; energy; and advanced manufacturing.

Application Process

The last RFP for Phase I and Phase II were released in May 2017 with awards taking place in March 2018. Additional information on the application process can be accessed here.

Award Details

A Lead Applicant’s Phase 1 proposal may seek Program funding in the range of $200,000 to $500,000 that would result in a total pool of funds of $400,000 to $1,000,000. TVSF Phase 1 requires a cash cost share commitment of at least one dollar for every dollar of Ohio Third Frontier funds requested (i.e., a ratio of 1:1). The match must represent a specific new, unrestricted cash commitment. It will be the responsibility of the Lead Applicant to ensure that the 1:1 cost share requirement s met or exceeded and all reporting requirements are met. Cost share must be available with no contingencies or conditions at the time of proposal submission to DSA.

The Start-up Fund awards (Phase 2) may be up to $100,000 for each Project. Because Biomedical technologies are of great priority to Ohio Third Frontier and typically require greater resources, a Phase 2 award for a proposal relating to Biomedical technology may be up to $150,000.

NCAI-CC Technology Development Program

 (216) 444-5322

Purpose of Initiative

The NCAI-CC Technology Development Program is targeted to assist the validation and advancement of early stage medical technologies to establish commercial product potential. Funding is available for promising NHLBI-related medical technologies directed to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular, lung, blood, and sleep disorders spanning the technology range of diagnostics, diagnostic systems, devices, therapeutics, and tools, to facilitate their translation to commercialized products that improve patient care and enhance health.


For the general funding round, projects will be reviewed on the following criteria: eligibility (fit for this funding opportunity, appropriate phase of development, feasibility), clinical need or opportunity, potential for commercial success, and project scope / plan. Funding is available for promising emerging technologies directed towards diagnosis, treatment or management of cardiovascular, pulmonary, blood or sleep-related disorders. The NCAI-CC is seeking projects such as therapeutics (e.g. drugs, biologics), diagnostics, diagnostic systems, devices, tools, etc., in order to facilitate their translation to commercialized products that improve patient care and enhance health.

Application Process

The program operates using a semi-annual Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit medical technology projects from NCAI-CC partner institutions for funding and project support. Funds under the program are allocated to specific, measurable project development activities that are key to establishing commercial opportunity. Two funding opportunities were recently open: the Special Targeted Projects Funding Opportunity (Round 9) and the General Funding Round (Round 10). For Round 9, award notifications are taking place in April 2018. For Round 10, the timeline is as follows: 2/16/18 – Letter of Intent submission due; 3/9/18 – Selected applicants invited to submit full applications; and 4/23/18 – Invited application submissions are due.

Award Details

For the Special Targeted Projects Funding Opportunity (December 2017) total funding amounts up to $150,000 are available per project. Up to $75,000 to be provided by federal grant administered by NCAI, plus matching funds in an equivalent amount to be secured and provided through the project institution.

Updated April 2018 by Rachel Werth

Developing Network Contacts (DevNC)

When you need to reach out...

There are times when you need to reach out to others – whether you are looking for potential customers, potential partners, or potential investors. But who should you call…and how do you address your fear of contacting them. The DevNC is a unique market research tool designed to provide you with between 25 and 30 Points of Contact (PoC). With each POC, information is included that provides insight about the person’s role. Depending on their position, other information commonly included relates to their background, articles that they have written, conference presentations and other pertinent information. This type of information enables you to customize your correspondence. Contact information is also included  – typically LinkedIn, email and phone number.

Competitor Analysis

Your customers know your competitors! Do you?

Maybe you believe that you don’t have any competition, but your customers know better! Their needs are being addressed now – perhaps not as well, but if there is a need, someone is providing a solution. Learn about the competition and be prepared to differentiate your solution from that of others. Dawnbreaker’s competitor analysis contrasts your competition on specifications, performance and price. Armed with this information we can help you create a compelling value proposition.

DoD Transition Information Packet (TIP)®

The Transition Information Packet (TIP) is a market research report specifically developed for small businesses working with the Department of Defense.

Customized Market Research (CMR)®

Filling in the gaps in your commercialization strategy….

The CMR provides our team with the greatest flexibility in addressing gaps in the information you need to refine your commercialization strategy. Based strictly on secondary literature, the market researcher can look for information that will help you understand changes in government regulations, market dynamics, emerging solutions, sources of funding, points of contact and other challenges you pose. Based on the information gathered, a business strategist will add comments throughout regarding the implications of the information for your strategy.

LICA Licensee Analysis®

Who will take the best care of your baby?

You’ve done a great job with your R&D. You’ve been careful to protect your intellectual property – but those next steps to bring the product to market seem out of reach. There’s too much competition, scale up would be too expensive – so you’ve decided to license-out your intellectual property. The challenge before you is to find the best licensee to bring your baby to market. Let us help you. We will profile organizations that frequently cite your patents and dig deeper to determine their financial health, technology and market synergies, and experience with licensing-in.

Commercial Potential Assessment (CPA)

Be wary of big numbers!

You’ve done a great job with your R&D. You’ve been careful to protect your intellectual property – but those next steps to bring the product to market seem out of reach. There’s too much competition, scale up would be too expensive – so you’ve decided to license-out your intellectual property. The challenge before you is to find the best licensee to bring your baby to market. Let us help you. We will profile organizations that frequently cite your patents and dig deeper to determine their financial health, technology and market synergies, and experience with licensing-in.