Oklahoma Resources

Investigator Travel Funding: Climate Variability Research

Gina Miller
Outreach Coordinator

Purpose of Initiative

Travel funds are available for researchers in the climate variability research theme area to present invited papers, attend conferences related to proposal development, participate in collaborative projects inside and outside Oklahoma, and for visits to national labs and research centers.

Application Process

The procedure for requesting travel funding support is as follows:

  • Complete the travel request form and send it via e-mail to bmcintire@okepscor.org 
  • Funding decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis
  • Final notification will be emailed to applicants by the OK EPSCoR office
  • Submission Deadline: May 31, 2018

Award Details

Travel funds, with a maximum award amount of $1,000, will be provided only in special circumstances where the proposed travel provides a substantial and direct impact on the mission of the Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR grant. Those special circumstances must be justified in detail in the travel funding request. The researcher agrees to make every effort to modulate expenses.

Oklahoma Basic Plant Science Research (OPSR)

Mr. Casey Harness
Small Business Development Manager
755 Research Parkway
Suite 110
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 319-8404

Purpose of Initiative

This program involves basic research in plant productivity, renewable biomass, plant-based environmental applications and chemical platforms and plant-based solutions to improve nutrition, human or animal health to develop new products and services to form the basis of new, high-technology plant science and agriculture industries for Oklahoma. This program helps researchers gain the expertise and gather research data to support proposals for additional research funding. The program supports basic research that is necessary to advance plant-related science and collaborative efforts are encouraged to help support later stage applied plant research projects.


Oklahoma public or private colleges or universities, non-profit research organizations, and enterprises located in Oklahoma are eligible to apply. 

Application Process

For the 2018 round, the application submission period opened in January and ended in March, with award notifications in June. Applications must be submitted through the state’s online grant management system, OKGrants. Neither additional materials nor changes will be accepted after an application is submitted. Individuals wishing to change an application that has already been submitted may have their submitted application cancelled and submit a new application prior to the application deadline.

Award Details

Awards range from $10,000 to $50,000 per year with one to two years of funding offered.

Oklahoma Health Research (OHR) Program

Mr. Casey Harness
Small Business Development Manager
755 Research Parkway
Suite 110
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 319-8404

Purpose of Initiative

The Oklahoma Health Research program provides funding to investigators to pursue their ideas for increased scientific understanding of important problems in human health and lays the foundation for driving economically significant future innovations. This program funds qualified basic research projects conducted by Oklahoma-based investigators for the multiple purposes of (1) enhancing the competitiveness of Oklahoma health researchers in their pursuit of additional research funds, (2) recruiting and retaining outstanding health research scientists for the state, (3) improving health care for Oklahoma citizens and (4) strengthening the state’s health care industry. Research funded under this program investigates the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases and disabilities and facilitates the development of health care products and services.


Eligible applicants for OHR awards include Oklahoma public or private colleges or universities; Oklahoma non-profit research foundations; and Oklahoma based commercial enterprises.  The principal investigator (PI) preparing an application (1) shall be employed by or affiliated with an eligible applicant organization and (2) must be an Oklahoma resident.

Application Process

The application submission period opened 2/5/18 with applications due by 4/4/18. Notification of the awards is 6/19/18. Applications for the Health Research Awards must be submitted through the state’s online grant management system, OKGrants. The OKGrants system can be used for monitoring the status of application submissions, and if awarded, managing project related activities such as Requests for Payment (RFP) requests, progress report submissions, contract modification requests, reviewer evaluations, and budget revisions.

Award Details

Minimum of $10,000 and maximum of $45,000 of OCAST funds per year (for a maximum of $135,000 for three years).

Oklahoma Health Research Postdoctoral Fellowship

Mr. Casey Harness
Small Business Development Manager
755 Research Parkway
Suite 110
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 319-8404

Purpose of Initiative

The Oklahoma Health Research program’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (Health Fellowship) Initiative funding is intended to improve the state’s health sciences R&D base by (1) recruiting and retaining outstanding postdoctoral health research scientists for the state, (2) enhancing the competitiveness of Oklahoma postdoctoral researchers in their pursuit of additional research funds, (3) improving health care for Oklahoma citizens and (4) strengthening the state’s health care industry. The Health Fellowship encourages recent doctoral degree recipients to better prepare for scientific- and technical-based careers in academia or high-tech companies in Oklahoma.


Eligible applicant organizations shall include Oklahoma-based companies, public or private colleges or universities, or nonprofit research institutions. The Principal Investigator (PI) preparing an application (1) shall be employed by or affiliated with an eligible applicant organization and (2) must be an Oklahoma resident. The Postdoctoral Fellow (PF), on or before the contract start date, (1) shall hold a doctoral degree in a field applicable to the health research project proposed in the application, (2) must reside in the State of Oklahoma, (3) must be a full-time employee of the applicant organization.

Application Process

The application submission period opened 2/5/18 with applications due by 4/4/18. Notification of the awards is 6/19/18. Applications for the Health Research Postdoctoral Fellowhsip must be submitted through the state’s online grant management system, OKGrants. The OKGrants system can be used for monitoring the status of application submissions, and if awarded, managing project related activities such as Requests for Payment (RFP) requests, progress report submissions, contract modification requests, reviewer evaluations, and budget revisions.

Award Details

Minimum of $25,000 and maximum of $75,000 of OCAST funds per year (for a maximum of $150,000 over two (2) years).

Updated April 2018 by Rachel Werth

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